Stephanie R Schmidt D.D.S.


Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment, involves treating the dental pulp/nerve.  If the dental pulp becomes diseased due to etiological factors such as: trauma, tooth breakage, or cavity, it must be treated to save the tooth.  Treatment involves removing the tooth's nerve, sterilizing the tooth from within, and sealing the tooth from further exposure to bacteria. Many teeth requiring root canal therapy will also need a core filling to rebuild missing tooth structure.  If this is the case, the tooth will require a full-coverage crown.  Full-coverage crowns encapsulate the tooth and prevent it from fracture following the endodontic treatment. Our office provides anterior endodontic therapy, meaning root canals to the front teeth.   

Miscellaneous Dental Treatments:

  1. Teeth Whitening:
    • ​​Our office provides in-office and at-home whitening options to remove
  2. Root sensitivity treatment

Dental Restorations:

Dental restorations, also known as dental fillings, are materials utilized to restore a tooth to its proper shape and function following tooth breakage or cavity removal.  This treatment is a direct restoration, meaning that the tooth is rebuilt or repaired directly in the mouth in one appointment.  Two types of dental restorations are:

  1. Amalgam:
    • ​​Amalgam restorations, commonly recognized as silver fillings, are metal restorations.  Dental amalgam has withstood the test of time with its 150-year proven track record as one of the safest, most durable and least expensive materials used to a fill a cavity.  Amalgam restorations harden on contact and utilize undercuts in the tooth for retention.
  2. Composite:
    • ​​Composite restorations, commonly recognized as white or tooth-colored fillings, are a plastic and glass mixture used to restore teeth.  This type of filling is commonly used for cosmetic treatment, as the composite material can be shade-matched to the existing tooth structure.   Composite restorations are light-cured to harden and rely on adhesive material for retention.  

Fixed Prosthodontics:

Fixed prosthodontics refers to indirect restorations that are permanently attached.  This type of treatment is labeled "indirect" because it involves the restoration being fabricated at a dental lab prior to being delivered into the patient's mouth. As proud supporters of Oklahoma's small businesses, each of our labs is locally owned and operated!  During the initial appointment, the patient's tooth or teeth are prepped and an impression is taken of the prepared teeth to send to the lab for fabrication of the restoration.  Fixed prosthodontic restorations come in a variety of types: yellow gold, white, and porcelain.  All porcelain restorations are shade-matched with the patient at the initial appointment.   Dental cement is used to permanently attach the delivered restoration.  Fixed prosthetic services we offer: 

  1. Crowns:
    • ​​A dental crown restores an individual tooth to function and shape by encircling or capping the available tooth structure.  Crowns are commonly placed on: broken teeth, teeth with large restorations showing signs of wear, teeth treated with root canals, or esthetic cases of anterior teeth.  
  2. Bridges
    • ​​A dental bridge restores a set of teeth, involving a missing tooth, to function and shape.  Dental bridges literally bridge a gap created by the missing tooth.  The teeth on either side of the gap serve as anchors for the replacement tooth in between.  


Stephanie R Schmidt DDS proudly serves families and individuals

beginning at age six months.

Dental Examinations:


There are several types of examinations, the three most common include:  

  1. Comprehensive Examination:
    • ​​​​​A comprehensive examination accompanies all new patient cleaning appointments.  These examinations are paired with any necessary radiographs to properly diagnose the status of the entire oral cavity.  During the examination, an individualized treatment plan is created for each patient based on any dental work deemed necessary. 
  2. ​Limited Examination:
    • ​​A limited examination is a problem-focused dental visit.  These are often associated with the term "emergency visit".  During this type of examination, the sole focus is the patient-stated area of complaint.  Radiographs may be necessary to aid in diagnosis.
  3. ​Periodic Examination: 
    • ​​A periodic examination occurs during a routine dental cleaning every six months.  This examination is meant to update any changes that may have occurred within the oral cavity since the previous examination; necessary radiographs may be taken to establish the current status.  It is during this time that a new individualized treatment plan may be generated if necessary.

Dental Radiographs:

Radiographs, commonly known as x-rays, aid in the diagnosis of cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer.  Our office utilizes the latest in digital radiography, exceeding all of the necessary standards for limited exposed radiation.  While there are many types of x-rays, the three most commonly utilized in our office include:

  1. Panoramic: 
    • ​​A panoramic is an extra-oral radiograph, meaning that it is taken without a sensor being placed inside the mouth.  This type creates a single image of the entire jaw structure.  This can aid in visualizing wisdom teeth, impacted teeth, and bone levels.
  2. Bitewing:
    • ​A bitewing is an intra-oral radiograph, meaning that it is taken via a digital sensor placed inside the mouth.  This type visualizes the upper and lower teeth of one side of the mouth, which aids in diagnosing cavities and bone loss.
  3. Periapical:
    • ​​A periapical is also an intra-oral radiograph.  This type is utilized to focus on an individual or individual set of teeth.  This x-ray allows visualization of the root tips of teeth.  

Preventive Care:

Preventive dentistry involves the care of keeping your teeth and gum tissue healthy.   This can include: cleanings, regular dental checkups, fluoride, and sealants.  This type of care is meant to work in conjunction with twice daily home care of brushing and flossing.  Together, caring for your mouth can aid in avoiding or lessening the effects of cavities, bone loss, gingivitis or periodontitis.  Types of preventive services we provide include:

  1. Child Prophy:
    • ​​A child prophy, also known as a child dental cleaning, should begin once his/her first baby tooth erupts.  Our office begins seeing patients at six months of age. Cleanings are necessary to prevent tooth decay and to ensure that all of the child's teeth are erupting correctly.  During this appointment the medical history is reviewed, the current status of the teeth present are charted, any necessary radiographs are exposed, the teeth are cleaned, polished, and flossed and a dental examination is performed by our doctor.   It is also during this appointment that we aim to provide oral hygiene instructions to our pediatric patients to assist in increasing their dental knowledge.  
  2. Prophy:
    • ​​A prophy, also known as a dental cleaning, is performed by our Registered Dental Hygienist.  Dental cleanings are very important as the health of the oral cavity is linked to the overall body.  During this appointment the medical history is reviewed, vitals are taken, any necessary radiographs are exposed, and the current status of the teeth and gum tissues are charted for a complete periodontal exam.  Plaque and calculus deposits on the teeth are removed via Cavitron and/or hand instrumentation. The teeth are polished and flossed, and a dental examination is performed by our doctor.   We aim to provide our patients oral hygiene instructions to promote good home care in conjunction with a regular dental prophy recall schedule. 
  3. Scaling & Root Planing:
    • ​​Scaling & Root Planing, also known as SRP or a deep cleaning, is a treatment performed when the patient displays signs of significant bone loss, furcation involvement, deep probing depths, or calculus buildup below the gum tissue. These characteristics are signs of periodontal disease, known as periodontitis, and must be treated to avoid further bone loss, recession, or possible tooth loss.  During the appointment, a Cavitron is used to remove calculus deposits that have caused gum tissue inflammation and is followed by hand instrumentation.  The oral cavity can be divided into four quadrants: upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left.  Scaling & Root Planing is generally divided into four appointments - one per quadrant with local anesthesia or nitrous, which can be administered to assist in patient comfort.  Once all four quadrants have been completed, the patient will return in four to six weeks for re-evaluation of the gum tissue status.  Patients that have undergone a deep cleaning are often on a shorter recall schedule to ensure that the patient's periodontal status does not decline.
  4. Sealants:
    • ​​A dental sealant is a thin coating that is applied to the biting surface of a tooth to prevent tooth decay.  During this appointment, the tooth is cleaned and then kept dry while the sealant material is placed.  A small curing light hardens the sealant.  Once complete, it is checked for retention.  Sealants can last up to ten years.
  5. Fluoride: 
    • ​​Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent and assist in repairing tooth surfaces at the very early stages of cavities.  For decades fluoride has helped to protect the oral health of patients.  Our office utilizes a topical fluoride system applied directly to the tooth's enamel.  Though there is a common misconception that fluoride is only important for children with developing teeth, fluoride treatment is still very important for adults too.   Adults with acidic drinks in their diet, such as coffee or soda pops, are at a higher risk of developing cavities and should adhere to professional fluoride treatments. 

Removable Prosthodontics:

Removable Prosthodontics refers to a specialty of dentistry that replaces missing teeth.  This type of prosthesis replaces missing teeth and gum tissue via a non-permanent appliance that can be removed.  Removable appliances can replace an entire arch of teeth, commonly known as a denture, or individual sets of teeth, commonly known as a partial.  Removable prosthetic services we offer:

  1. Partial Dentures:
    • ​​Partial dentures, simply known as partials, replace missing teeth in conjunction with healthy teeth still remaining in the jaw arch.  This type of prosthesis involves replacement teeth attached to gum-tissue-colored plastic, which can also be further supported with a metal base.  This utilizes the strength of the remaining teeth to ensure retention of the prosthesis.  Partials can be made for both the upper and the lower jaws.